ÿþ<!-- this .htm file created by Maren 9/17/14 ~ 1 hour e George BOWLS ('54 & '55c) ~ 11/28/35 - 7/28/13 Re: George BOWLS ('54/'55-RIP) http://alumnisandstorm.com/Obits/pics13/RIP54BowlsGeorge13.htm Bday: 11/28/35 George Alonza BOWLS ('54/'55) ~ 11/28/35 - 7/28/13 George Alonza BOWLS ('54/'55) ~ 1935 - 2013 SS: >>George BOWLS ~ Classes of 1954 & '55 ~ 1935 - 2013 RIP54BowlsGeorge13.htm no pictures Beck's Funeral Home: http://www.becksfuneralhome.com/obituary.php?id=1688 ***********************--> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>RIP ~ George Bowls ('54)</TITLE> </HEAD><BODY onLoad="self.focus();"><CENTER> <FONT SIZE=+1><B>BOMBER MEMORIAL</B></FONT SIZE><BR><BR> <FONT SIZE=+2> <A HREF="http://AlumniSandstorm.com/Obits/pics13/RIP54BowlsGeorge13.htm"><FONT COLOR=000000><B>GEORGE ALONZA BOWLS</B> ~ Classes of 1954 and 1955</A></FONT COLOR></FONT SIZE><BR> <FONT SIZE=+1> November 28, 1935 - July 28, 2013<BR><BR> <!-- <IMG SRC="RIP54BowlsGeorge@@.jpg" WIDTH=** HEIGHT=** ALT="George Bowls - Jr. Portrait" TITLE="George Bowls - Jr. Portrait" BORDER=0> ~ <IMG SRC="RIP54BowlsGeorge54.jpg" WIDTH=** HEIGHT=** ALT="George Bowls - 1954 - Sr. Portrait" TITLE="George Bowls - 1954 - Sr. Portrait" BORDER=0><BR><BR> <IMG SRC="RIP54BowlsGeorge13.jpg" WIDTH=** HEIGHT=** ALT="George Bowls ~ recent" TITLE="George Bowls ~ recent" BORDER=0><BR><BR> <IMG SRC="RIP54BowlsGeorge13.jpg" WIDTH=** HEIGHT=** ALT="George Bowls ~ Funeral Notice" TITLE="George Bowls ~ Funeral Notice" BORDER=0><BR><BR>--> </CENTER> Born: November 28, 1935 in Little Rock, AR<BR> Died: July 28, 2013 at the Manor Care facility in Lynwood, WA.<BR><BR> Geoerge suffered the effects of two different recurring cancers.<BR><BR> But oh! the blessing it is to have a friend to whom one can speak fearlessly on any subject; with whom one's deepest as well as one's most foolish thoughts come out simply and safely. Oh, the comfort - the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person - having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away.<BR><BR> A Life for a Life, 1859<BR><BR> <!-- SIBS: [Charlie-51] [George-55] Thurman-56* David-58* Sarah-59 Bob-61* Larry-64* --> George was preceded in death by his brother, Charlie ('51).<BR><BR> He is survived by four brothers and one sister: Thurman ('56), David ('58), Sarah ('59), Bob ('61), and Larry ('64).<BR><BR> <A HREF="http://www.becksfuneralhome.com/obituary.php?id=1688#" TARGET="_blank">Sign the Memory Book at Beck's Funeral Home</A>. <!-- <CENTER> <IMG SRC="RIP54BowlsGeorge13-HStone.jpg" WIDTH=** HEIGHT=** ALT="George Bowls - Headstone" TITLE="George Bowls - Headstone" BORDER=0><BR><BR> </CENTER>--> </BODY> </HTML>